Systex joins United VARs as the first IT partner in Taiwan
Systex’s vision is to help organisations’ grow by optimising their business processes. However, as more and more clients are going global, the complexity involved in managing global teams in different geographical areas is a big challenge. Thus, by joining with UVARs, Systex aims to gain more resources and collaborations between SAP partners around the world, and therefore ensure professional services are provided to customers’ international expansion.
Taiwan - Are there business opportunities for globalising companies?
In 2017, Taiwan was ranked the 22nd wealthiest country in the world. Focusing on producing parts and components, and specialised in the information and communication technology sector, which plays a significant role in the global technology supply chain. Although enterprises in Taiwan are highly adaptive to new technology, the transition to the cloud has not been popularised yet, even after SAP’s cloud-first announcement. Therefore, Taiwan's healthy economy, established techniques, and wide space for cloud solutions, provide ample business opportunities for globalising customers.
Systex - United VARs member and a leading IT provider in Taiwan
Systex is recognised as one of the best Taiwan-based IT service provider in Asia-Pacific region, and is also the only listed company that has its owns SAP team in Taiwan. The Systex SAP team integrates comprehensive IT solutions to establish an SAP ecosystem in Taiwan. Systex owns the most professional consultant team in manufacturing, retail and catering industries, as well as have been able to help hundreds of enterprises implement their ERP system successfully.
Jackie Chan, the General Manager in General Central and Southern Taiwan, says, “United VARs is a leading global alliance for SAP solutions. Systex is the one and only United VARs member in Taiwan, which represents that the SAP solutions offered by Systex is recognised internationally. We have developed a competitive position in industries, such as manufacturing, retail and catering, etc... and look forward to providing our professional services to broader customers in the future.”
About United VARs
With a global coverage in over 90 countries, United VARs is the largest alliance of leading SAP solution providers around the world and your go-to partner for global SAP implementation needs.

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