

United VARs

3404 times read
What You Can Gain from SAP’s Cloud ERP Two-Tier Strategy

What You Can Gain from SAP’s Cloud ERP Two-Tier Strategy

4 Astonishing Advantages of Running a Two-Tier System

Typically, growing companies attempt to integrate all of their new subsidiaries, business areas, and regions into one all-encompassing ERP system. Thomas Kramer, Head of SAP Cloud ERP at All for One Steeb, points out that “smaller subsidiaries, () often don’t need the complexity and functional depth from headquarters systems and might be overwhelmed by the so-called Tier-1 systems in terms of complexity and costs.” However, more often than not a tier-1 ERP system is the bottom-line, essential for reporting to headquarters, thus making it appear to be the only viable solution for smaller subsidiaries as well.

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InCloud Solutions

3072 times read
Beating the Brexit Blues

Beating the Brexit Blues

Why subsidiary companies could be the answer

Brexit uncertainty has reached fever pitch in the UK in the run up to Christmas with MPs voting almost daily on motions threatening to bring down the government.

UK citizens are speechless as each twist and turn takes us further and further into the unknown. Everything is up for grabs from hard Brexit, soft Brexit to no Brexit at all.

So, while businesses STILL don’t know what is going to happen there have none the less been some moves to prepare. After all businesses that sell and buy from the EU need to have contingency plans in place which are flexible enough to cope with a wide range of outcomes.

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