
Augmented Intelligence: Empowering Human Capabilities
Artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed our lives by facilitating tasks, automating repetitive work, improving medical diagnoses, optimising industrial processes, and analysing large volumes of information to make resource management more efficient.
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Customer Success is the New Business Imperative
In today’s competitive landscape, companies have realised that success is not measured solely by sales but also by customer satisfaction. This shift in focus has given rise to the concept of Customer Success (CS).
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Technological advances transform the pharmaceutical industry
What do a supercomputer and a medical capsule have in common? Far more than one might imagine.
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The Key to Differentiation is Automation
Intelligent automation has become a cornerstone for organisations seeking to distinguish themselves from competitors and adapt to the demands of the digital era.
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Mindset Matters: Building a Thriving Culture for Women in Tech at All For One CX
All for One Customer Experience (All for One CX), part of the All For One Group and a founding member of the United VARs, excels in the tech industry with its CX solutions and commitment to supporting women in tech. While women constitute 26-33% of the tech workforce and 14% of leadership roles according to Statista, All For One CX boasts 41% female workforce participation and 26% in leadership positions.
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Talent Management: Keys to Business Success
Talent scarcity stands as one of the most pressing challenges confronting the business world: organisations are finding it increasingly difficult to recruit employees who possess both technical expertise and soft skills.
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Spotlight on…Answerthink
United VARs member for the USA and India
Headquartered in Miami, Florida, US, Answerthink is the SAP division of The Hackett Group and a United VARs member for the USA and India. With more than 20 years of SAP experience, the company has completed over 500 SAP implementations.
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Hybrid Cloud redefines the Business Landscape
In the digital era, hybrid cloud has emerged as the preferred strategy for numerous companies aiming to streamline their operations and foster growth. It strikes a delicate balance between flexibility, security, and control, tailoring itself to the distinctive needs of each organisation.
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Innovation has arrived in Agriculture
Technology is making a strong impact on the agricultural sector, driven by two key motivations.
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Circular Economy: Reimagining Sustainability
Humanity is experiencing a severe environmental crisis. The predominant model of production and consumption, based on extraction and waste, has led to the depletion of natural resources and an alarming increase in pollution.
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Embracing Industry 4.0
A few years ago, it was unthinkable to imagine factories where machines not only produced goods but, through sensors and advanced systems, collaborated and interconnected with each other without human intervention, thinking and learning to optimise processes, reduce costs, and minimise waste. However, what seemed like science fiction yesterday is now a reality in many…
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The Steel Industry reinvents itself in search of decarbonization
The steel industry is in the midst of a significant transformation as it strives towards decarbonization.
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Green Supply Chains for a Sustainable Future
The threat of climate change and global warming is increasingly dire. Recently, United Nations (UN) Secretary-General António Guterres called on the world's most powerful countries to accelerate the elimination of fossil fuel use and reduce carbon emissions. Otherwise, the future of the planet could be at serious risk.
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The era of intelligent Customer Experience
In recent years, customer experience (CX) has become a significant aspect within organisations' business strategies. Why? Because it is no longer enough to offer a good product or good service; the primary goal is to achieve full customer loyalty and satisfaction.
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Blockchain revolutionises supply chains
Blockchain is generally associated with bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. However, in recent years, this innovative technology has been making significant progress in the world of logistics and supply chains.
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