

United VARs

388 times read
Mindset Matters: Building a Thriving Culture for Women in Tech at All For One CX

Mindset Matters: Building a Thriving Culture for Women in Tech at All For One CX

All for One Customer Experience (All for One CX), part of the All For One Group and a founding member of the United VARs, excels in the tech industry with its CX solutions and commitment to supporting women in tech. While women constitute 26-33% of the tech workforce and 14% of leadership roles according to Statista, All For One CX boasts 41% female workforce participation and 26% in leadership positions.

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United VARs

309 times read
Embracing Industry 4.0

Embracing Industry 4.0

A few years ago, it was unthinkable to imagine factories where machines not only produced goods but, through sensors and advanced systems, collaborated and interconnected with each other without human intervention, thinking and learning to optimise processes, reduce costs, and minimise waste. However, what seemed like science fiction yesterday is now a reality in many…

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