Now on site with 33 partners in 71 countries / Increasingly sought out as a one-stop shop for multinational SAP user companies / Bolstering SAP HANA Platform and SAP Cloud Portfolio as growth drivers / United VARs 10th Annual Conference with road map for driving market expansion / The »cultural fit« makes the difference
Filderstadt, 5 May 2015 »More than 200 million people need to be provided for in Pakistan, a country that embodies enormously dynamic markets for food and beverages, as well as for energy suppliers«, announced Sajjad Syed, CEO of the SAP partner Excellence Delivered, Lahore/Pakistan. Along those same lines, Mohamed Abdel Hamid, President and CEO of Edraky, Cairo/Egypt, pointed out that the business climate in his country is vastly better than the impression given by media reporting. Excellence Delivered and Edraky as well as Dynasys (Hong Kong), North Consulting Group (Singapore), NSIS (Tunisia), Real Consulting (Greece) and Serve Consulting (Nigeria) are the eight new partners welcomed during the 10th Annual Conference of United VARs at the end of April 2015 at SAP in Walldorf.
All for One Steeb AG and Seidor S.A, Barcelona, established United VARs at the CeBIT 2006. Global collaborations, such as Star Alliance, served as the founding model for the network, which was inaugurated with six SAP resellers in 10 countries. Organised around a legal entity since 2012, United VARs LLP now includes 33 partners from 71 countries and serves as a powerful one-stop provider and hub for the SAP activities of its many multinational clients.
»We’re now providing our clients with local support to enter new markets almost everywhere in the world. In whatever economic centres globalisation takes our clients, United VARs not only puts them one step ahead, but gives them the advantage of having the most powerful and dedicated SAP partner already there on the ground at work«, highlighted Detlef Mehlmann, United VARs Director (speaker) and Head of Business Development International at All for One Steeb AG. In light of how global IT providers concentrate their support activities in off-shore centres, close customer relations and ties to the local business culture are often neglected. This is, however, not the case with United VARs. The quality with which these partners provide superb SAP solutions and on-site services in the local language, with a solid understanding of the local business rules, regulations and laws, and spanning every time zone is unrivalled. »This cultural fit makes the difference«, emphasised Alejandro Daniel O'Davoren, a United VARs director and Deputy General Manager at Seidor S.A. Even major multinational businesses are coming to recognise and appreciate United VARs as the hallmark of excellence in supporting and managing their worldwide SAP activities. »We now want to go beyond multinational implementation projects and follow-the-sun application management services in order to step up transformation towards SAP HANA and SAP Cloud solutions and, together with our customers, identify key growth drivers and ways of improving efficiencies«, stressed John McGrath, a United VARs director and the Managing Director of Answerthink, Miami/USA.
»United VARs is an outstanding alliance and has the potential to expand the major league of global SAP VARs by a new concept. This is truly an outstanding prospect for United VARs’ clients and partners, not to mention for the alliance itself«, underscored Rodolpho Cardenuto, President SAP Global Partner Operations.

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