Last year we made the decision to select Romania for our CSR project in 2022 and then war broke out in Ukraine. We quickly altered our plans to instead allocate 20% of the funds to Romania and use the remaining monies raised to support Ukraine orphans.
In Romania, we selected three families living in a very poor part of the country to help them with water supply, electricity, construction work, and purchasing farm animals.

Razvan Gidei, general manager of United VARs member company in Romania, Red Point, made himself available to look at the project details and arrange for everything to flow smoothly for our Charity Partner, Kleine Hilfsaktion e.V. Monies spent on this family were mostly spent on connecting water to the home and the installation of drainage.
Our first family has been living in their home for about 20 years and is a stable family unit. Their challenges arise from the father having chronic heart disease and the mother suffering from a back illness. He is in receipt of a monthly pension of 200 EUR and she also receives 200 EUR from housekeeping work, bringing the family’s monthly income to 400 EUR. Their main focus is their children, one of which is Gabriela, their smallest girl.

“In 2022, the United VARs alliance is supporting three families in lasi, here in Romania, in need of our help. While each family has particular needs, they all have a common wish to be able to help themselves create better futures. The funding we are providing will positively impact their chances to live better and will give hope, something that had disappeared.”
Razvan Gidei, General Manager at Red Point Software Solutions
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