- 14th May 2020, Duesseldorf, Germany -
As Detlef Mehlmann, United VARs Chairman and head of Business Development International at All for One Group, summarises: »Some years ago there were no indications that the economy was going to slump. By contrast, conditions in the markets everywhere are tough at the moment. And yet, even crises like a corona pandemic can also offer opportunities. Once again, the strong sense of community in our global alliance proved to be the driving force behind the ability to rapidly adjust to new conditions«. Indeed, the partners in the United VARs alliance are meanwhile increasingly involved in something that virtually nobody believed would be possible just a few weeks ago. Even global SAP projects are now increasingly being rolled out remotely, i.e. without any consultation actually on site. In doing so, the United VARs partners are protecting their staff and their families, their customers and their business partners, while at the same time helping to interrupt the chains of infection and to contain the spread of the virus. The United VARs alliance responded to the looming changes in a flash. Within just a few weeks, all work streams – for preparing international SAP S/4HANA projects, for example – had been completely switched to »New Work Mode« with online team sessions taking place from home offices.
The addition of 5 new members – Dunn Solutions, Chicago/USA, Ageless, Kiev/Ukraine, Cresco e-Solutions, Tokyo/Japan, Netizen, Bangkok/Thailand and SAVIC, Mumbai/India - has, moreover, allowed the alliance to expand its international SAP project expertise and now covers roughly 100 countries.
Following 2017, the United VARs of SAP was again awarded an SAP Pinnacle Award (in the category »Global Platinum Reseller«) in 2020 for its strong new customer business, the successful expansion of its cloud customer base and its strong growth with SAP S/4HANA – totalling the world’s highest SAP reseller licence revenues (incl. SAP cloud subscriptions). Pinnacle Awards were also won by Acloudear (China) and Seidor (Spain) as »SAP Cloud Partner of the Year«, and by BSG Partners (Korea) as »Best Packaged Solution Partner«. All 3 companies are partners of the United VARs alliance.
Celebrating such success also requires flexibility at the moment. Because of corona, both project kick offs and SAPPHIRE in Orlando are taking place online, as is the annual United VARs Partner Conference at SAP in Walldorf. Remote rollouts should, at least, become even more commonplace once the situation returns to normal. The United VARs alliance definitely plans to emerge from the corona crisis in an even stronger competitive position.
stronger than one