
Winterhawk Joins the United VARs Alliance as the Global Solution Partner for SAP GRC and Security

- Hamburg, Germany-

Winterhawk, the award-winning consultancy practice for SAP Security, Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC), Cyber and Data Privacy solutions, is delighted to be the latest Solution Partner of United VARs, the global alliance of leading SAP solution providers. The partnership with Winterhawk enables the 50+ United VARs members to provide SAP GRC and Security solutions and services to their customers.

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EMEA South Empowerment Days

- Web sessions -

To give our members a competitive advantage, we are committed to providing first-hand information and to share with you the latest updates and empowerment programs from SAP, specifically focused on C-level, sales, consulting and marketing. We will organise an exclusive two-days remote session for our members from the EMEA South region with the opportunity to receive the latest enablements and share best practices. Therefore, we invite members only to the Two EMEA South Empowerment Days!

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BSG Partners joins United VARs Global Partner Programme

- Seol, Korea -

BSG Partners is delighted to join United VARs and demonstrate their support of SAP-related new technologies across the world. BSG maintains its No. 1 position in the SAP market in Korea and has rolled out numerous projects, moving beyond Korean borders into the global markets. In this process, the United States, Indonesia and China corporations were established. BSG joined United VARs to respond to the ever-expanding global project and to enable them to be part of an international network of market-leading SAP solution providers: United VARs with a network across 90 countries with 10,000+ SAP consultants supporting 8,000+ customers.

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SapphireNow 2019

- Orlando, Florida -

SAP and ASUG executives opened SAP Sapphire Now 2019 with keynote speaker Bill McDermott, SAP CEO, discussing the theme of ‘Winning in the Experience Economy’ and Geoff Scott, CEO of ASUG, addressing the audience with ‘The Power of You: Pathway to Achieving Your Personal and Professional Best’. Representing United VARs at SAPPHIRE NOW were 3 prestigious members.

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United VARs 2019 Annual Meeting

- Filderstadt -

The Number 1 alliance of SAP Global Platinum Resellers, United VARs, held its 13th Annual Meeting, uniting over 50 members from over 90 countries all over the world. / Adaire Fox-Martin held the introductory keynote speech at SAP in St.Leon-Rot, Germany on the 2nd of April. / High quality SAP partners from Eastern Europe and Asia joined United VARs. / Global strategic initiative: The United VARs Conversion Factories are leading the way to S/4HANA Movement in 2019. / Seidor and B4B Solutions received two SAP Pinnacle awards. / The WASH Social Responsibility Project will Help Bring Clean Water and Hygiene to Northern Cambodia. / New Solution Partners Joined the Alliance.

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New United VARs member for the UK: Edenhouse Solutions

Edenhouse Solutions is delighted to announce it has become a member in United VARs, the leading global alliance of SAP solution providers.

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